Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine

Der Vorstand des ÖKV verurteilt den Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine scharf. Unschuldige Menschen werden seit Ausbruch dieses Konfliktes Opfer roher, längst vergessener Gewalt. Unser Mitgefühl und aufrichtiges Bedauern liegt bei allen von den Kriegshandlungen betroffenen Mitmenschen.

Aber auch die Hunde und damit die internationale Kynologie sind direkt betroffen. Wir unterstützen daher die von der FCI getroffenen Sanktions- und Hilfemaßnahmen unter nachstehender Bankverbindung:

FCI - Solidarity with Ukraine

CBC Bank

IBAN: BE67 7320 6383 9387


Gleichzeitig wollen wir Ihnen nachstehendes Schreiben des ukrainischen Hundeverbandes UKU zur Kenntnis bringen, indem weitreichende Maßnahmen gegen den Aggressor erbeten werden. Der ÖKV wird im Einklang mit den Regelungen der FCI alle Sanktionen unterstützen, die dazu beitragen könnten, dem unnötigen Leiden ein rasches Ende zu setzen.

Dr. Michael Kreiner

To the President of the Cynological Union

From the cynological community of the Independent State of Ukraine

Appeal of the Cynological Society of Ukraine to civilized countries

On February 24, 2022 the Russian Federation has started a deadly war against the Ukrainian people. All of Ukraine is now under shelling, firing and informational pressure. Russia commits its aggression not only from its own territory, but also from the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Every day Russian and Belarusian soldiers brazenly and rudely bomb the largest cities of Ukraine (Kiev, Kharkov, Kherson, Nikolayev, Zhitomir, Sumy, Zaporozhye, Mariupol, Odessa, Chernihiv). Every day Ukrainian citizens, including children and women, are dying. Among the victims there are also people from the Ukrainian Kennel Union.

We believe that the world cynological community cannot stand aside in this case and must give its assessment of the situation.

We are asking FCI and all international community to react on the actions of the aggressor and its partner in the crimes Republic of Belarus as necessary. We believe that Russia and the Republic of Belarus should be isolated from the rest of the world in this situation. Possibly, the FCI sanctions in the RKF and the BCU can save millions of lives in Ukraine. Speaking on behalf of all members of the Ukrainian Kennel Union, we urge you, as the head of cynological organization in your country, to address to the President of the International Cynological Federation with the following appeals:

  1. To break all the contractual relations with the RKF and the BCU due to the aggressive actions against the independent country;
  2. To cancel all international Dog Shows/Tests of the FCI in Russia and the Republic of Belarus permanently;
  3. To refuse all registrations for any puppies of the RKF and BCU;
  4. To cancel the registration of all experts RKF and BCU, as international experts;
  5. Not to provide any international document in FCI system for dogs registered in RKF and BCU.

Once again we want to underline, that isolation of Russia and Belarus is necessary action from the international community to stop war in Ukraine. The ongoing war is not a special operation, as Russia announces, it is a deadly violent action which is recognized by the whole civilized world. Inaction in this situation can be considered as support for encroachment on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

We are hoping for your support.


Ukrainian Kennel Union


25.11.2024 - 25.11.2024

Ringtraining im ÖKV

Weitere Informationen unter https://www.oekv.at/de/shows/oekv-show/

02.12.2024 - 02.12.2024

Ringtraining im ÖKV

Weitere Informationen unter https://www.oekv.at/de/shows/oekv-show/

06.12.2024 - 08.12.2024


Rasseneinteilung / breed assignement - alle Rassen an allen Tagen! / all breeds on all days!
06.12.2024 - CACIB Sieger Wels

07.12.2024 - CAC Christmas Championship Show

07.12.2024 - CACIB Winter Trophy

08.12.2024 - CACIB Christmas Winner

Veranstalter: Österr. Kynologenverband (ÖKV)

Weitere Infos finden Sie HIER.


